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Cassidy's Hope hosts fundraisers for children with cancer.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Cassidy’s Hope Foundation hosted its biannual Bowling for Hope to a sold-out crowd Feb. 24 at AMF Medina Lanes.
The event is held to raise money for families dealing with childhood cancer.
Pam Czech of Valley City founded the organization in memory of her daughter, Cassidy Jackson. Cassidy was 10 years old when she was diagnosed with a spinal cord tumor that grew into her brain stem. She died on April 29, 2006 when at the age of 12.
During her illness, Cassidy would see children at the hospital alone. While support from her husband, family and friends enabled Czech to stay with her daughter at the hospital, others weren’t as fortunate and had to be at work while their children were undergoing treatment. Cassidy’s wish to help those children inspired Czech to establish Cassidy’s Hope.
“We started in 2006,” said Czech. “It was her wish to help other families and that’s what we do. She wanted to give them some funding so they could take time off.”
It was her wish to help other families and that’s what we do. She wanted to give them some funding so they could take time off.
The foundation offers families at The Children’s Hospital packages filled with department store gift cards, gas gift cards, pre-paid Visa cards, cleaning gift certificates from Country Maids in Strongsville and some help to pay utility bills, mortgage's and car payments. There are also cafeteria gift certificates.
The "Love Cassidy" program also donates 48 Gift Bags with toys and fun items for that Holiday or Season. They also provide additional items like game systems, games, movies, TVs, computers etc through out the year and at Christmas and Year end. They had a wheelchair ramp donated by a company built for a patient in Mansfield. The organization also rents out wheelchairs, walkers, bedside commodes whatever they need to families for free for as long as they need it.
“We are only able to help those children in Ohio and 20 years of age and younger” said Czech. “We’ve helped over 70 families so far and we want to do more for the families. We’d love to redecorate the game room at The Children’s Hospital or spread to other hospitals.”
Events like Bowling for Hope help raise money for these projects. Once again it was sold out a month before the event. Participants paid $15 for unlimited bowling for a couple hours, food and cupcakes. There were also raffles with donated items.
On July 13, 2013 the organization will host its eighth annual Poker Run.
For more information or to donate, visit
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